两周年庆祝活动征文篇 |
征文题目-------- 征文请发在 这里 。 |
Example By: 赫兰 | Abroad By:无情 | 北国依旧 By: mengxi |
(No Title)By:Moomoo | 2003 婚礼 Show~~ By: 四叶 | |
Example By 赫兰 (From Dec 2003) |
自我介绍~ ID:赫兰 性别:MM 年龄: 小MM~~ 据体知道就知道~~不知道就表知到了~~~ 特点:多嘴 忧点:费话多
这篇文章是关于赫兰:认试海外-喜欢海外-了解海外-爱海外,一个 one-ticket-trip.
首先,祝海外生日快乐!!! (公主MM送上~~下面上传~~)
“在线人物表...hummmm…XX...XXX...555~~没认识的啊...” 一个没人认试的的小女孩看着在线人物表自言子语道“tity? 好像昨天就看到了哈~~ 不对...前天也看到了!她好像天天都在啊!(刚看名子以为是“她”)”
因她崇拜柯南,所以进行“赫兰式推理” :自言自语 “她可能每次都和我一个时间上吧...” “她可能时时刻刻都在啊!” “不过怎么有可能吗~~” “那里来的时间啊~~” “会不会是不良少年不上学啊?!” “或这就是杀人犯!” “肯定是!!说不定就在加拿大啊!” “那就要小心了...” ...(以下省略)
在新兰联盟大们口的时候,扫了一眼4个联盟(新兰,柯哀,西部,海外) ,正要推们进去的时候突然看到了tity的名子...然后看果然是版主--海外联盟
刚进论坛最先看到的就是有人---Meitantei。 (介绍:在海外多我最重要的人~~~很好的好朋友。有一个关于柯南的英文网站~~ 很棒的啊!! www.conankun.com 也有论坛~~ 没事来灌灌啊!汗~~广告~~~~)
N天后我注册了一个MSN。告诉了M以后她是第一个加我的人!当时很兴奋,很自豪的说。每天看到她在的时候都聊...就这样...渐渐我认识的人多了,MSN上也火了~~~~ 小旋是第二个加我的人~~~因为是个版主~~所以没有主动说话~~ 看贴的时候突然弹出了一个MSN窗窗~~~~是旋~~~说了几句后忘了有什么事~~出去了一会~~~我BABY-SIT的孩子就上去了(汗~~我很不复责任的说~~)
不过我也得谢谢他~~~把我心中一直wonder的问题问了出来--怎么改MSN上的名字(很傻吧...没办发~~赫兰笨...) 谢谢旋告诉我,然后我好像就下了~~~ ... 小旋不是第一个与我说话的海外版主,赫兰在刚报名的时后与令一位聊了几句:小江
咳咳~~~~当时对小江的印像不错~~~~80% 是戴了可很可爱的新一脑袋~~~还有就是主动和我说话~~~蛮高兴的说~~~~
第一次看到L+X是无聊浇花时没事看到的~~~发现她好像每帖都会过,也很能灌。(赫兰当时很没出息,一天之灌50-60贴,甚直更少) 很想认试的说 一天有一次意外的机会,在MSN上碰到M,她说我们可以和L+X一起灌~~高兴的答应了,但是没灌成...原因:没进海外就下了...
大家肯定记得SARS把? 很可恶的病,害得赫兰会不了家(中国) 。正upset的时候,发现了TITY的签名,和我一样, PM了他~~~聊了几句~~~~
就这样,持续了N天,N个星期, N个月。新版旦生了... 那时候在的人肯定都忘不了这个难忘的改版,因为这对我(也是大家)的“浇花生活” 有一个重大改变的事刻:贴数都变成一个可爱的鸭蛋...(有人ID都没了~~~不过赫兰的保住了~~万幸) 当时很伤心,就下决心每天奴里灌(经常看到可爱也努力那~~~聊了几句就认识了~~)~~~~浇花变成了下雨 当时很不会灌~~又没人,所以没天只灌100-120贴~~~ 然后我,小羽,ARSH的搞怪三人组成力,努里写文。 试着写了一首烂诗,自己都想扔鸡蛋,写完心情不好就上MSN,正好M在线,她说她刚写了一首诗,“thanks, my best friend” 传给了我。小心翼翼的读了...一首充满浓浓的友情,读着很舒服的诗。回想起了我刚写的那首...艾~~~ 把它传给了M,她的反应是另我最想不到的。她大大的表扬我了一帆... 当是总觉得她没说真话(老话:don’t hit me! don’t kick me!…don’t touch me!!) 在她的鼓立下,我把它贴到了新兰连盟~~ 刚贴没5分种,就看到了FAN 哥哥和爽爽哥哥在回贴鼓力我~~~~很激动~~~~I’m not alone… 从此我开使写文~虽然烂~~但是也有人支持我(谢谢) ******* 有天无聊的进海外,发现有一种新行贴--结婚贴~~~ 是可爱和...(对不起我忘了-_-b) 的(就在不久前和可爱在水区聊过几句) 。 当是正于无聊处,凑个热闹。就找了几个蛋糕恭喜~~~~无意中听说旋和江也结婚了~~又正好碰到她~~~~也找了几个蛋糕恭喜~~~~~~觉得蛮好玩的说~~~ normal old days past… ***** Matantei: 向我伸出友好的手
有一天在MSN上闲逛,看到M。她兴奋的告诉我她要建一个网站!兴奋的祝贺她了以后,一行从来没想过的字出现在那个窗口:“would you like to be a member of the staff for my site?( 大概这个意思啦~~~~)” 当时呆了,我?会什么? 当时以“无聊” 的心情来上网,现在发现自几以经爱上了这个世界。变成了以“无聊” 为借口而不回到“我真正的世界”; 如果当时M问我当不当给那个网战的“啦啦队” ,肯定一口答应了~~~ 在忧遇不决的时后,那边出来了一个“?” ...太久了~~~ 手不听使唤了,很快的写了几个字母“yeah! Sure!” 然后她让我写了一个自我结绍,我就问了那个一直想问的问题:what can I do? 她说我可以先帮她写人物结绍,通快的答应了...(最后到现在还没写完~~哭~~~~sory…没有尽到责任~~真不敢相信M还 cheer me on,要是我是她,我早就把我踢出门了~~)
咳咳咳~~~~~然后days and days pass~~~~~ 海外english chat room 建力~~~~~N只持~~~~~~可是每次都没人啊(冷风)~~~~ 中间除了有写了2篇长篇~~~就没啥新闻~~ 然后事物所就去旅游了。。。大家都去了临是住所~~~~ 那是候天天灌~~~跟本就没去别的连盟~~~因为我觉得,这只是个临是的旅馆罢了~~ 果然,事物所刚回来赫兰拿着行李回去了~~~~回家了~~~ 咳咳~~~~~~~~~~然后海外的好朋友里又有了AMY,洗衣机,豆子,ANI,和水姐姐~~~~~~呵呵~~~~~人多了~~~~~~
有一次在聊天室才小江的年领~~~~~总觉得他是个成年人~~~~~觉得他以经25了~~寒~~~~~ 结果他才十几~~~~~ oh well….it’s worth a try… 后来喜欢帅G~~~~就到处找~~~~(汗~~好像没关息啊~~~~)
加一句:今天就是明天的历史,想知到赫兰的故事的结局吗? be a spy…赫兰死了就是结局~~~~
special thanks: Meitanei(ur the best!!!!), ANI, amy, 小江,tity,小旋,可爱,洗衣机,FAN GG,爽爽GG, 水姐~~~~~~亲~~~ |
Abroad By:无情 | ||
I'm not a great writer, and I still don't know why I wrote this in English - a language I'm not quite comfortable with... Maybe it's because my mother will scream her head off if she sees me practicing Chinese... Or maybe I just used this language so my parents cannot invade my privacy... I feel sorry for this piece of paper that I'm torturing... It is no longer smooth after erasing and reediting for the thousandth time... Self - introduction first. I am just an average kid. The best description I can think of to describe myself is “average figures, average features, and not extremely bright.” I think the way all kids my age do, and act the same. There’s nothing special about me, but the funny thing is I actually want to keep it that way. Being the only child of the family, I guess you can say I’m spoiled. Not a spoiled brat, just spoiled. I said that I’m ordinary, and I don’t think you can say a spoiled brat is ordinary. ^o^ Great, the intro’s done… Two more sections to go… ^o^ Living abroad can be tough… Last year I wrote an essay about uprooting in my English class, which is an easy topic for me because I have a lot of experience. Moving to a totally unfamiliar place was bad, but moving to a country that speaks another language is worse. The language became a barrier to my social life, and I was lonely for a while. *Cough cough* Correction, for a long time. ToT So when one of my friends introduced me to this forum, it became my sanctuary. I think some of you still remember that I left aptx for a while (about 3 months). Friendship was the force that drew me back. (hmm...Am I off topic?) Toronto is a lovely city. However, I did not fit in. The way I talk, dress, and study is different from everyone elses'. I do not swear; I do not dress to reveal my body parts (= =|||); I study in a different way; I get good marks in math when I can’t even talk properly in English. You get the idea. I consider myself to be lucky that there is no obvious segregation in Toronto like the U.S had back in the 30s, but students definitely tend to stay within their own circles. Whenever a newcomer comes along, he/she will either join the group or stay outside – there is nowhere in between. And of course, the unfortunate souls categorized as “social outcasts” will befriend with each other. People who wish to live in a society must follow the rules, so I stayed with my Chinese friends until both of them moved away. Those two, of course, are my real friends – we trust each other. As you all know, I am a born gentleman *cough*. I am polite to others and I respect others, but it does not mean that I trust everyone down the street. If I put trust in a relationship, that relationship is not easily broken. Now I can say that my life is pretty satisfactory. I go to an ordinary school and live my ordinary life. I watch InuYasha (if I get a chance) and come here everyday. Nothing is special about me, but in exchange I get to relax, something that I can hardly ever do before I came to Canada. Uprooting may be very difficult, but there is always a way to overcome it. Always look on the bright side, me hearties *cough cough* (Why do I have to humiliate myself in front of everyone? Why? ToT), things are already the way they are and grieving n’ complaining won’t do anything about it. Canada is a peaceful country, and I hope people like it. (Hmm…actually, if you don’t like this country it’s okay with me, just don’t hate it cuz hatred can’t get you far.) Living abroad is difficult, and for me it’s an excellent experience. |
北国依旧 By: mengxi | ||
故友们还在轻叹枫满枝头,我已是玉雪盈袖了。故国 的霜渐浓了,故宫墙外一定又聚满了失落,昆明湖的一池 秋水皱了,你的情愁是否真的也随着这西风远走了?—那 厢依旧吧。 我,仿佛是属于冬天的,从一个寒冷的民族流浪到另 一个更加寒冷的国度,却无时无刻不在怀念着—我那淳朴 而温馨的古城,我那清贫而善良的同乡。即使是徜徉于最 富贵繁华的大道旁,那颗痴迷的心也牵挂在遥远的几千里 外越见斑驳的城围上。而九龙壁的鳞角、回音阁的声潮、 陶然亭的墓雕,以及千千万万个荡在摊子上,大碗茶里的 故乡朋友的微笑,更是在这初雪的第一个惊讶的早晨,浓 浓地踏进我的心梦里,泪水满腮之时努力地回忆一群小红 帽欢笑地把老树臂膀里的雪,堆成又一个白胖胖的大雪人 的情怀,使我悲哀地想把那些随岁月已渐渐远离我的思念 的陈年童稚往事再硬塞进我的心中。故国,故人,故雪, 一幅如小家碧玉的江南妙景已引出自遐思。 而今,一切都远离了,伴时空的脚步。朋友们那充满 性格的面目正在这初雪中逐渐模糊,多少人去了,多少忘 记了你那些真诚却使人难以感受的宠爱。中国,我们标榜 在我们的国籍上;北京,只代表了你我生命的土地,一个 大洋的距离使我再难以触摸你,半个地球的相隔被你我怀 念的雪踏白,故国,故人啊,我只能轻轻地问候一句: “一切依旧吧!” 记得分手的那个雪夜,我们去数那些花花绿绿的礼 物,如今它们被压在箱底,偶尔展现出来十,我便被那一 堆色彩所迷惑,在这片以深色为主流的染色房里,你的大 红大粉又是多么鲜明地映照着我脸上的冷漠啊—经历了这 许多,走遍了这许多,我才知道,你才是我的巫山,你才 是我的沧海;你才是我曾依偎过的摇篮。为此,我感谢 你。我写下这些沾雪的文句来点缀此刻的秋浓,我用飘零 的秋叶来慰籍你古老的思绪,我用透着纯真的初雪洗擦蒙 在我记忆上的灰尘,我用我生命的历程去证明着你对我的 意义、你的存在、你的永恒。故国、故人、故雪,请接受 我这久别的问候,请寄一片似血的枫红,来告诉我你的爱 依旧,你的情依旧… 其实,从群宫围绕的京都到银装素裹的加国,那女孩 不一直都在你的心中吗? |
(No Title) By: Moomoo | ||
Heck, it's so freezing my ear is gonna fall off. It's gotten a lot better this week though, last week was just... ugh. Snow snow snow.. yattiyattiyatta. I know you must be anxious for me to write properly by now. Or maybe not, haha. Anyways, to start this off, let's just say I've been in Canada for almost half a decade. That's not very long actually, you just gotta watch the snow fall and melt.. five times. I never got tired of doing that though, snow is so pretty, it's a pity when cars run over it and make it dirty.. children only pick the clean snow to make snowmans out of, the tainted are left behind. Don't get me wrong I'm not a pessimistic person, I think pessimism (spell?) is just sad.. its absolutely unnecessary in my life. I soon discovered this forum when my pursue for conan began. Who wouldn't come to this awesome place with tons of info and pictures and people who share the same interest? And it was even more delightening to find this particular corner for the minority of people who live outside of China. I was like, hey, this is such an awesome place I should join too. Yay. So I did. I'm pretty sure I was here since two-thousand-and-two ... I remeber posting before the forum got moved... I was very enthousiastic but not very active in this forum.. like, I visited here everyday and read posts and I myself doesn't post. At that time I was in Richmond and I remember talking about different high schools.. (on a side note I used to go to CE London.. hahaha irrelevant info) But after APTX4869 moved I barely came here nemore.. partly because I wasn't so passionate about conan anymore. I moved back to Toronto and met up with my old friends and I started to read conan again and I found myself more drawn into it which is weird because I thought I had moved conan into the past. Take a breath now. I thought I would grow out of conan. I thought I will never come back to this place again. I thought this place would be of no meaning to me other than conan.. DEAD WRONG. This is much more than that. But since I barely come here and nobody knows me and I don't understand this place like many other people do, I don't have the right to talk about it, do I? And I doubt anyone understands what I've written up to this point, so let's just drop the topic.. People always ask me, is Vancouver better or Toronto better? what is with that?! Why would you compare two cities that are like, totally different?? They should've asked me, do you like Vancouver or Toronto more, and then I would've answered, I like Vancouver's weather, but I also like snow. You don't see much snow in Vancouver. It snowed a few weeks ago.. during english class I looked over peoples' heads and stared at the snow, imagining red spots on it. It wouldn't be blood though, no, blood is way too saddening. It would be red paint that had fallen out from the art class's window... and students would be painting.. painting a red apple on top of a rosewood table... That was random.. this whole piece is quite random, if I may say so myself. See, you can never do this with school essays. my thoughts always have to be confined within rules and restrictions and unable to think what they want to think, do what they want to do... I should probably end it here. |
2003 婚礼 Show~~ By: 四叶 | ||
主持人:四叶 |
海外柯南联盟 联盟 两周年庆祝活动征文篇 |